Manual, One-On-One, And Human Expert Assistance
Company Data Research
Informed decision-making hinges on accurate data. Deep Dive Avenue delivers human-verified, comprehensive company data solutions, tailored to your specific requirements. Our services encompass data collection, analysis, and database building – all powered by precision data at scale.
Accurate data isn't guaranteed by vendor claims
Accurate and Relevant Data Matters
Businesses rely on data to make smart decisions, and finding reliable private data is crucial for gaining a market advantage. Unlike public data, private data is scattered and less dependable (sources: Crunchbase, Zoominfo, etc.). Public data is much easier to acquire. The accuracy of company data can be challenging due to inaccurate and outdated information, misclassified industry sectors, lack of information, and more. Verifying vendor claims to ensure high data accuracy requires continuous validation, strong data management, and thorough analysis.
Industry Misclassification
Many companies are miscategorized within industry sectors on data vendor lists or LinkedIn, resulting in irrelevant offerings reaching potential clients
Poor Product Knowledge
Relying solely on ready-made data or automation, many marketers lack even a basic familiarity with their target company's actual product/service offerings
Data Degradation
It is a constant process in that data decays every moment due to a Lack of continuous data maintenance resulting in incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data.
Inaccurate job titles
Job titles may not always accurately reflect the actual job duties and responsibilities of the position, leading to inefficiencies in identifying the wrong people.
Unfamiliar With prospect
While you have some basic information about your prospect, you lack the depth of knowledge needed to fully grasp their current situation, needs, and gaps.
Inadequate Research
Prospecting, the foundation of the sales cycle, thrives on thorough research, yet many undervalue and neglect this crucial step due to a lack of time
Insignificant Data
Gathering as much information as possible before any sale is vital, yet data vendors or automation tools offer limited prospect attributes fixed by search filters.
Unreliable Search Function
While filtering options in lead vendor searches and LinkedIn can be helpful, they can also restrict your search and cause you to miss out on relevant leads
Inaccurate revenue figure
Out-of-date revenue figures in vendor database, a common issue due to a lack of updates, can significantly hinder your ability to make accurate sales forecasts
Incorrect employee size
Inaccurate employee size data from LinkedIn and lead vendors is a common issue, leading you to target companies outside your ideal size range
Incomplete lead data
Lead vendor data and automated tools often lack critical details, leading to incomplete profiles. Incomplete information can lead to compromised analyses.
Lack of human judgment
While automation is a powerful tool for streamlining prospecting, its limits become evident, especially when it comes to data accuracy and completeness.
Research Private Company Data to Fuel Your Market Competency
Filling the Gaps in Company Data
Bad data is pervasive, leading to poor decision-making, loss of productivity, reputational damage, and legal and compliance issues. Much of this data is based on assumptions and lacks quality. Deep Dive Avenue collects various types of company data based on your specific needs, filling gaps that other vendors miss. Covering a wide range of company types, industries, and global locations, we uncover a wealth of background information, including demographics, firmographics, technographics, trigger events, social media data, recent news, and more.
Public Company
Private Company
Limited Company
Foreign Company
Charitable Company
Government Agency
Associate Company
Unlimited Company
Holding Company
Local Company
One Person Company
Subsidiary Company
Online Company
Anything else?
Unlocking Growth in Emerging Regions
Empowering Global Reach with Human-Verified Data
Many pre-built lead vendor solutions and automation tools focus on established markets (US, Canada, UK, Australia), neglecting the potential of emerging markets (Europe, Latin America, Asia). Deep Dive Avenue empowers you to reach across EMEA, LATAM, and APAC with confidence, leveraging human-verified data.
Unlocking Potential in Europe, Middle East & Africa
Strengthen your North American brand presence now
Building a Winning Marketplace in Latin America
Expand Your Reach to Thriving APAC Marketplaces
Pick your region
Choose the location that aligns with your marketplace strategy
Data coverage
Wide range of data parameters
Our data coverage is not only wide-ranging but also precise and reliable. We can adapt to your specific industry and requirements, ensuring you have the data you need to thrive. The more data you have about your company and accounts, the better understanding of their needs, pain points, and challenges
Marketing Data
Acquire comprehensive marketing data for the company
Firmographic Data
Acquire thorough firmographic information about the company
Technographic Data
Know everything about your targeted company's tech stack
Triggers Event Data
Acquire trigger event data related to your target company
Company Insights
Uncover actionable company insights that align with your business
Social Media Data
Know the company's social media presence across platforms
Recent Company News
Discover the company's recent news and business activities
Company Filings Data
Provides accurate and detailed filing information for the company
Customer Data
Achieve the most up-to-date and accurate customer data
Financial Data
Provides detailed information about a company's financial data
Demographic Data
Get financial statements detail for deeper company analysis
Annual Reports
Achieve annual reports from leading global companies
Local Company Data
Get registered businesses data for any entity that matches
Business Entity Data
Get registered businesses data for any entity that matches
Geographic Data
Get registered businesses data for any entity that matches
Empower your team with a hyper-targeted lead database built through manual research
Define your target audience and data criteria! Empower your sales team to spend more time closing deals and less on unqualified leads. Receive hundreds of hand-picked, highly relevant leads with daily, weekly, or monthly delivery options
Next-Level Sales Lead Research
Uncovering Unseen Opportunities
Elevate your sales team's effectiveness with Deep Dive Avenue. We go beyond traditional lead research methods, uncovering hidden sales opportunities for your team with research-based leads. Our process involves identifying potential customers and target markets to find individuals and organizations likely to be interested in your products or services, driving sustainable growth. Discover our lead research process.
Manual search
Deep Dive Avenue utilizes a multi-source, data-driven approach to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the company data you receive that perfectly align with your specific criteria.
Research Focus
We don't offer generic lists! Our list database building process involves in-depth research to uncover valuable insights and identify the most promising prospects that align perfectly with your ICP.
ICP Analysis
We provide a further detailed analysis of your most valuable ICP data attributes, including demographics, firmographics, technographics, psychographics, and social media data.
Company Analysis
We provides clear and extensive insights into companies. Through systematic analysis of various aspects, we reveal everything you need to know about a company, from its basic to its in-depth background
Industry Analysis
We conduct a comprehensive industry analysis, examining market trends, competitor strategies, and customer behaviour to discover challenges, pain points, unmet needs, and ultimately, exciting business opportunities.
Market Analysis
We leverage market research and analysis of the target market, customers, competitors, and trends to find new markets, niches, pain, preferences and opportunities for your products/services
Lead Segmentation
Through prospect segmentation, scoring, and analysis, our team categorize, ranks, and prioritizes potential profiles based on their unique characteristics, behaviours, and needs that align with your campaign objective.
Standardizing Data
We then standardize job titles, addresses, names, and phone numbers to ensure consistency, which significantly improves data accuracy, searchability, and analysis capabilities.
Data Verification
Every company record undergoes a rigorous cross-referencing and verification process to guarantee the accuracy of critical details like industry, product portfolio, operations, and more
Quality Assurance
To ensure the highest level of data quality, a final quality assurance step verifies that all records meet rigorous predefined standards for accuracy, completeness, and consistency
First Batch Delivery
We'll send you your first curated batch of company data for review. Your feedback is essential to ensure it perfectly aligns with your needs before we scale up the research.
If you find our initial company research valuable, we'd be delighted to refine our approach to perfectly align with your evolving needs and address any new challenges that may arise.
Discover new clients through online searching and research channels
What industry you are in? Deep Dive Avenue helps you find, identify, research, analyze, and discover new sales leads through all online searching and research channels. We empower you to convert them!
Leads Are Human, Not Data Points
Prioritize Human Connection in Your Sales Process
Data empowers, but human connection unlocks true sales success. Deep-dive research, where humans connect with humans, is essential for building meaningful interactions. Prospects are individuals, not algorithms. They crave genuine connection, not just data dumps.
Manually Research
We conduct in-depth manual research, meticulously gathering and analyzing detailed information about potential ICPs and ICP companies. This includes understanding their background, activities, capacity, interests, and behavioral patterns
First Hand Data
Our research methodology meticulously gathers firsthand data from a diverse range of credible sources, including company records, press releases, financial reports, proprietary portals, online files, social media, white papers, case studies, and more
Human Verified
Forget the robots; we connect with real people. Our dedicated data research team meticulously gathers, reviews, and verifies each data point – no scraping or automated shortcuts here. This ensures accurate and valuable insights tailored to your specific business needs.
Precision data at scale
Achieve the most accurate, up-to-date, and complete data
Private company valuations can be imprecise due to inherent assumptions and estimations. Don't settle for vendor claims. Deep Dive Avenue provides the most accurate public and private company data available, including financing histories, potential deals, M&A activity, ownership structures, investors, and industry classifications. Make confident decisions with our research-focused, human-verified precision data
Identify Hard-to-Find Data
Uncover company hard-to-find data points missed by others
Create your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and targeted company profile characteristics using a wide range of data attributes defined by your sales team that closely match your target profile. This approach allows you to customize and refine your criteria without being limited to vendors' fixed specific attributes. Before reaching out, gather as much detailed information as possible about the prospect and their company to ensure a personalized and informed approach.
Pinpoint a specific company
Target the exact companies you need, no matter how specific
Identifying specific types of companies with specific data attributes can be challenging when relying on typical search functions from data vendors. Deep Dive Avenue's team of data research experts can pinpoint the last targeting companies based on your defined parameters, including industry, sub-industry, product/service offerings, keyword phrases, trigger events, SIC codes, NAICS codes, radius locations, and more, providing rich background information.
Discover specific types of triggering events across industries
Focus on high-impact triggers for strategic decisions. Deep Dive Avenue helps you pinpoint the most relevant triggers aligned with your goals. We go beyond the surface, searching diverse online sources for specific triggers across industry topics, company journeys, and verified contact information
m&a sourcing
Uncover M&A deal with human-scale precision data
Discover investment or acquisition targets based on the attributes that matter most to you or your client—including pre- and post-money valuations, industry, total capital raised, revenue figures, and even other non-financial metrics. Unlock accurate, up-to-date, and completed M&A deals relevant to your industry sector on a global scale. Deep Dive Avenue provides comprehensive details on both the buy-side and sell-side, including, but not limited to, deal size, multiples, deal criteria, location, type and number of deals, and contact information—all powered by human expertise.
Global Funding Data at human scale
Find the specific type of investor you need
Want to identify the specific type of investors for your startup who are actively investing in a specific space? Look no further! Deep dive avenue identifies and builds a quality investor database based on your specific defined data parameters—investor name, investor type, investment stage, past investment record, investment area, number of investments, total funding amount, and many more, all with verified contact data.
What's holding you back?
Is sales lead research a pain?
Manually digging through data is tiresome, tedious, and time-consuming. However, what if your research could become a powerful driver of growth, positively impacting your open rates, conversion rates, and closing rates? Our solutions empower you to achieve just that.
Your sales team is silently struggling with poor data quality issues that waste their time. You have never inquired.
We take care of every step of your lead database-building journey with high-level data accuracy year-round so that you don’t have to deal with lead data quality issues.
Using pre-made leads database or scraping leads may seem like a quick solution, but be prepared for poor outcomes.
Uncover real-time opportunities with our meticulously researched, human-verified lead databases. Built on authentic, accurate data, they empower your sales team to close deals faster.
Your sales team know your customers, but not as much as needed; they're not researchers — and that's not enough.
Research empowers your team members’ confidence before every call. We delve deeper into each lead profile, uncovering their current situation, needs, pain points, gaps, and priorities.
Running outreach campaigns isn't converting as expected due to a lack of targeting and understanding of your ICP.
Keeping laser focus on ICP helps identify their needs. We tailor our approach for maximum effectiveness in generating quality leads aligned with your business goals.
Our In-Depth Company Research Process
In today's data-driven world, finding information is easy, but uncovering accurate and relevant company data is crucial for success. Our meticulous research goes beyond the surface, providing you with the actionable insights you need to fuel sales growth and make informed decisions. Learn how we achieve this from the ground up.
Preliminary research
Research design, planning, and execution
- After receiving your specifications, we design, research, and analyze your requirements. Then, we identify the best data sources tailored to your project needs.
- Together, we find the best sources to understand your target companies. Need decision-makers, trends, or competitor info? We deliver. We use ethical sources that respect privacy and follow data laws.
- Uncover perfect data for your target companies. Informed decisions start here. We tailor data based on your needs: industry, size, location. Leverage our expertise to find the most relevant sources.
Uncover the right data sources
Critically analyzing data sources for authenticity
- Accurate data matters! Company information on third-party sources, databases, LinkedIn, and automation tools can be misleading. We go beyond the surface with meticulous research, identifying the most credible sources to provide you with the precise data you need to make confident business decisions
- We directly gather each aspect of company data from various sources, including company websites, online documents, press releases, news updates, blogs, social media platforms, whitepapers, case studies, executive bios, historical records, SEC filings, and company entity search databases
- PLC and LTD data may not always be available. We prioritize primary sources, but for limited data, we incorporate supplementary data from reputable third-party sources. This data undergoes a rigorous vetting process to ensure consistency with the company's official channels (website, press releases, filings).
Company detailed background research
Analyzing companies to understand their business
- Through in-depth research, we delve into a company's full background, delivering the information that paints a complete picture and allows you to truly understand them.
- We delve deeper than others. Our careful research reveals each company's operations, industry, activity status, product/service offerings, structure, leadership, and strategic goals, so you can make informed decisions and connect with the right prospects
- We unearth hidden insights through exact research, analyzing websites, documents, and more to reveal each company's actual offerings, tech stack, industry, size, revenue, location, and crucial sales triggers. We ensure you connect with the perfect prospects, perfectly aligned with your business objectives
Identifying your target company
Research, segment and prioritize your company
- We leverage our expertise to identify and deeply research companies that perfectly align with your defined profile and data attributes.
- Basic data only scratches the surface. We unlock the hidden insights that matter. Our deep dives into company profiles explore culture, operations, structure, product/service lines, mission, and vision, giving you a complete picture to make informed decisions.
- Target the Perfect Company, Every Time: We leverage your specific data criteria to meticulously evaluate, segment, and prioritize company profiles, ensuring you reach the most relevant targets for your campaigns.
Acquire company profiles based on any data point you define
Building your company profile with our in-depth data coverage
- More data, deeper understanding. The more detailed your lead profiles, the better you can personalize your communication. We go beyond fixed filters, gathering rich background data to create truly insightful profiles.
- Forget one-size-fits-all! Craft your unique ICP based on your specific needs and offerings. We'll find the perfect leads based on any data parameters you define.
- We excel at unearthing elusive lead profiles and contact details, even when they're missing from websites, databases, LinkedIn, and even when automation tools fail.
Verifying email address and phone
Checking the deliverability of the email addresses
- Say goodbye to bounces! We use a powerful verification system combining 3 tools to ensure 97% email validity. Connect with the right people, maximize outreach impact.
- We respect users' privacy while addressing catch-all emails. Our ethical, confidential processes ensure compliance with data regulations while maximizing your B2B outreach effectiveness.
- We provide you with prospect business email addresses only, not generic ones. We never offer any email addresses without validation and verification. Additionally, we include direct phone numbers or prospect mobile numbers, ensuring a 50-60% coverage out of 100 prospects.
Verifying the accuracy of data
Ensure that the gathered data are accurate
- Manual prospect data verification can be more effective than automation in several ways. We individually review and verify each lead's information, allowing for a more nuanced understanding and tailored approach than machine-driven methods.
- We validate and verify the accuracy and relevance of data through thorough examination and painstaking cross-referencing with multiple trusted sources, employing human intervention for added reliability.
- Imagine having access to the most accurate and reliable data available, meticulously curated from a network of diverse, trustworthy sources. We don't just gather information; we carefully search, gather, and review each data point, ensuring its validity and verification.
Is Deep Dive Avenue the right solution for your business?
If You're
Busy business owner
If you're a busy business owner and your sales team is struggling with poor data quality, leading to wasted time, missed leads, wasted resources on ineffective campaigns, and ultimately, frustrated marketing teams unable to achieve results.
An AE, SDR, and BDR.
No time for research hindering your sales efforts? Data-driven competitors leverage in-depth research, deep data gathering, and analyses to close deals, leaving you struggling with irrelevant leads and missed quotas.
Looking for quality data
We invest time and dedicated human effort in accurately gathering data, conducting in-depth research, scoring, segmentation, and analysis to build a quality database for those who prioritize quality.
Looking for very specific leads
Achieve specific types of sales leads with specific data parameters, critical data criteria, or any issues that other vendors don't cover
Looking for laser-targeted lead
Acquire only highly relevant, laser-targeted leads based on your defined data attributes that closely match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
Multi-channels list building
Obtain a quality lead database by utilizing various resources and strategies, including job boards, topics, articles, keyword phrases, and more.
Acquire traditional lead database
When other vendors don't care much about data quality
Achieve the accurate, updated, and complete traditional lead database so that your team doesn't have to deal with bad data throughout the year.
Pre qualified lead database building
When your sales team fails to achieve more conversions
Acquire pre-qualified lead database for your sales department to ensure they win more business and don't waste time talking to the wrong people.
Have questions? We have answers
What is Deep Dive Avenue?
Deep Dive Avenue goes beyond generic lead data. We offer personalized, one-on-one B2B prospect research, building custom databases tailored to your exact needs at accessible prices. Our unique approach combines in-depth prospect sourcing, pre-qualified prospect research, and lead enrichment, ensuring you reach the right decision-makers. Deep Dive Avenue apart, accelerating your sales cycle and maximizing ROI.
Is Deep Dive Avenue able to collect data on private companies?
Absolutely. While public company data is easily available online, collecting data on private companies is more challenging due to privacy regulations and limited public access. Deep Dive Avenue utilizes deep research methods to gather data on private companies. This data adheres to various data quality standards, ensuring its accuracy and usefulness for your needs.
What is the accuracy of the data? How can I be sure of data accuracy?
We understand this is a critical concern. We prioritize data accuracy through a meticulous, 4-step human verification process, ensuring 99% accuracy. We manually gather each data point and then cross-reference and verify information through reliable sources. Rest assured, we promptly address any discrepancies you may find, providing you with the most accurate information possible.
What is the accuracy of the email address?
We prioritize reliable email reach for successful campaigns by leveraging three industry-leading verification tools to achieve at least 95% email validity, including catch-all domains. We ensures maximum data quality to enhance message delivery and campaign effectiveness.
Transparency is fundamental to our operations. It's important to note that approximately 30% of organizations utilize catch-all domains. While detecting cached emails poses inherent challenges, we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements. Rest assured, every email undergoes stringent verification before delivery. Our unwavering commitment to accuracy ensures that your campaigns effectively reach the right audience, driving impactful results.
Can you find hard-to-find prospect profiles?
We identify complex profiles, unearthing hidden email & phone numbers beyond websites & competitor databases. Our X-Ray Search, Boolean strategies, & multi-source methods (including social media, personal websites, journals, & articles) ensure comprehensive results where others fall short.
Are the leads exclusive or shared with others?
Your data, your way. We build unique, customized prospect databases tailored to your specific needs. Guaranteed confidentiality, no sharing, and no third-party involvement.
What are your pre-qualified leads database building services?
Our pre-qualified leads represent ideal prospects with a high propensity for conversion. The quality of a lead significantly influences the likelihood of a buyer being well-informed about your product or service. Our pre-qualified sales lead sourcing process encompasses a comprehensive search, research, and discovery of potential leads. We leverage a combination of online research, lead qualification frameworks, sales qualification methodology, B2B buyer journey and trigger signals, social media intent data, sales insights, and lead insights. Our ultimate goal is to identify prospective customers interested in your products or services, both in the near future and beyond. Contact us to learn more.
What will the price be?
Offering diverse, high-quality services uniquely priced for your needs. We understand budgets are important, so we're committed to competitive and affordable pricing across all our services. Get a personalized quote fast! Just message us with your project details, and we'll have a clear answer within an hour.
How long is the service delivery time?
While we manually gather each lead with meticulous care, determining a precise delivery time beforehand isn't possible without understanding your specific needs. The project scope, data availability, and desired quantity all play a role. However, once you share your requirements, we can provide a specific and accurate timeframe for your project delivery. We're committed to transparent communication and ensuring you have all the information needed to make informed decisions.
Target industry and location, desired number of leads, specific data points needed, local business lead, pre-qualified lead ETC. By providing these details, we can deliver a tailored timeframe and ensure you receive the high-quality leads you deserve within a realistic timeline.
Human centric approach
Every data point, a human touch
Behind every data point and algorithm is a real person with hopes, fears, and dreams. Marketers must remember to humanize their approach, treating prospective clients not as mere data points but as individuals deserving of respect and empathy. Our holistic, human-centred approach, supported by human-verified data research, minimizes errors and streamlines decision-making, enabling smoother business operations
Get Accurate Company Data
When other vendors compromise on data accuracy
Get the most accurate, up-to-date, and complete manual research based on human-verified company data. Eliminate the headaches of bad data and make data-driven decisions with complete confidence
Uncover Company's Hidden Data
When other vendors fail to provide complex data
We handle the heavy lifting of sifting through mountains of information to unearth the company's critical data points you need to make informed decisions based on your specific goals.
Enrich Your Database Up To 99%
When enrichment tools only enrich data 60-70%
Streamline your sales process with complete confidence. Optimize CRM data accuracy and reliability through comprehensive human-centric enrichment. Every lead becomes a qualified opportunity
Pre-Qualified Sales Lead Research
When outreach campaigns don't perform as expected
Deep Dive Avenue teams conduct thorough research on target accounts to understand their pain points, needs, gaps, and key decision-makers, ultimately enabling you to close more deals.
Ready to dive deeper into your target company?
Empowering people with manual research based on human-verified company data; and to find and target new clients, improve marketing efforts, and customize client interactions